estradas perdidas

Atrás de casa, encoberta por tufos de erva daninha, silvas e bidões abandonados, o comboio de janelas iluminadas vinha das Quintãs e silvou depois do túnel em curva, em direcção a Aveiro. Ali ao lado há uma estrada, a minha primeira estrada. Mulheres e homens cruzam-na impelindo teimosamente os pedais das bicicletas. Junto à vitrine de um pronto-a-vestir lê-se "Modas Katita". De uma taberna, saem dois homens que se dirigem para duas Famel-Zundapp. Estrada perdida.




"She has the voice: bruised, smoky and ornery, right at home where country and soul meet. She has the melodies and the timing to stretch a phrase and let it snap back right where a word will cut deepest".

(Shannon McNally)

I do it again and again
I listen for visions and missions in the wind
I won the vote but shunned the soft parade
and now I’m picking garbage a true sage’s trade
I won every battle and lost the war
You dared me to reach for it dared me to know
so i drove that car just as slow as it would go
listening for the sound of my last hope hit the ground
won every battle but lost the war
you managed to take more than I had
with your greedy treaties and your rubber badge
you may have won every battle
but you lost the war
Well I only did what I knew simple math
nothing more nothing less
if you hadn’t of told me i never would have guessed
how hungry was your hate
how sealed was my fate
I won every battle
but lost the war
you managed to take more than I had
with your greedy treaties and your rubber badge
you may have won every battle
but you lost the war
you may have won every battle
but you lost the war

76colorpub2[1] Shannon Mcnally

"On her second album, Geronimo (Back Porch), Ms. McNally also has superb roots-rock production from Charlie Sexton, the Texas guitarist and longtime sideman for Bob Dylan, that can be rollicking or resonant. Her lyrics sometimes lose focus, but when she homes in on a pithy chorus "I never learned nothing but the hard way / 'Cause at the time it felt so good" - she's irresistible".
Jon Pareles
The New York Times


  • At 1:36 da tarde, Blogger NUNO FERREIRA said…

    Gostaste mesmo da Sheila...No fim do espectáculo, fui à zona dos camarins do Gil Vicente para lhes pedir que me autografassem os discos e dei com ela a saír. Disse-lhe que gostara muito do show e perguntei-lhe onde ía cantar a seguir e ela disse que ia voltar para Portland e trabalhar. É enfermeira. Uma mulher com uma voz daquelas...

  • At 6:13 da tarde, Blogger NUNO FERREIRA said…

    A sério? Onde?

  • At 6:13 da tarde, Blogger NUNO FERREIRA said…

    Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.


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