estradas perdidas

Atrás de casa, encoberta por tufos de erva daninha, silvas e bidões abandonados, o comboio de janelas iluminadas vinha das Quintãs e silvou depois do túnel em curva, em direcção a Aveiro. Ali ao lado há uma estrada, a minha primeira estrada. Mulheres e homens cruzam-na impelindo teimosamente os pedais das bicicletas. Junto à vitrine de um pronto-a-vestir lê-se "Modas Katita". De uma taberna, saem dois homens que se dirigem para duas Famel-Zundapp. Estrada perdida.


Out Of Touch

Out Of Touch
de Lucinda Williams

Once in awhile we might pass on the street,
We nod we smile and we shuffle our feet,
Making small talk standing face to face,
Hands in our pockets cause we feel so out of place.
Our paths may cross again in some crowded bar,
We feel a little lost cause we've drifted away so far,
Hoping to find the right words to say,
We joke a little and then go on our way.
We are so out of touch.... yeah
We speak in past tense and talk about the weather,
Half broken sentences we try to piece together,
I ask about an old friend that we both used to know,
You said you heard he took his life about five years ago.
We may pass on the interstate,
We honk and cross over to the other lane,
Everybody's going somewhere, everybody's inside,
Hundreds of cars, hundreds of private lives
We are so out of touch, yeah