estradas perdidas

Atrás de casa, encoberta por tufos de erva daninha, silvas e bidões abandonados, o comboio de janelas iluminadas vinha das Quintãs e silvou depois do túnel em curva, em direcção a Aveiro. Ali ao lado há uma estrada, a minha primeira estrada. Mulheres e homens cruzam-na impelindo teimosamente os pedais das bicicletas. Junto à vitrine de um pronto-a-vestir lê-se "Modas Katita". De uma taberna, saem dois homens que se dirigem para duas Famel-Zundapp. Estrada perdida.


Just one more

Just One More
de George Jones

Put the Bottle on the table
Let it stay there till I'm not able
To see your face in ev'ry place that I go
I've been sitting here so long
Just remembering that you are gone
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, Just one more, and then another
I'll keep drinking, it won't matter
I'll just remember that I once had her
I don't know why I sit and cry ev'ry day
I've been trying to forget, but I havent stopped it yet
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, just one more, and then another
Put the bottle on the table
Let it stay there till I'm not able
To see your face in ev'ry place that I go
I've been sitting here so long
Just remembering that you are gone
Well, one more drink of wine
Then if you're still on my mind
One drink, just one more, and then another...