estradas perdidas

Atrás de casa, encoberta por tufos de erva daninha, silvas e bidões abandonados, o comboio de janelas iluminadas vinha das Quintãs e silvou depois do túnel em curva, em direcção a Aveiro. Ali ao lado há uma estrada, a minha primeira estrada. Mulheres e homens cruzam-na impelindo teimosamente os pedais das bicicletas. Junto à vitrine de um pronto-a-vestir lê-se "Modas Katita". De uma taberna, saem dois homens que se dirigem para duas Famel-Zundapp. Estrada perdida.


Visto lá de cima o mundo é tão bonito...

From A Distance
Dedicada a todos os desiludidos pela vitória eleitoral de George W. Bush

de Julie Gold mas cantada de forma maravilhosa pela Nanci Griffith (clicar no título para saber mais sobre ela)

From a distance the world looks blue and green
And the snow-capped mountains white
From a distance the ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight

From a distance there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace
It's the voice of every man

From a distance we all have enough
And no one is in need
There are no guns, no bombs, no diseases
No hungry mouths to feed

From a distance we are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of home, playing songs of peace
They're the songs of every man
God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance

From a distance you look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance I can't comprehend
What all this war is for

From a distance there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves
It's the heart of every man

It's the hope of hopes, It's the love of loves
It's the song of every man